Target Fax
Cloud fax solutions from Novaris provide immediate, highly secure, 100% delivery of faxes, rich scanned documents, and attachments.
Other cloud fax solutions store and forward documents through a first-in/first-out network built on a mix of older technologies. These systems are prone to going offline and losing faxes, which dramatically raises business and compliance risks.
Novaris overcomes these issues by providing etherFax solutions built from the ground up for cloud fax. We offer a real-time network that transmits faxes immediately with high up-time reliability and transparency.
Move infrastructure to the cloud
Whether your company has a cloud mandate or just wants to reduce fax document costs while improving speed and security, Novaris has the right solution.
Reduce ongoing maintenance
Novaris solutions eliminate the ongoing maintenance and complexity of your physical fax infrastructure, letting you put your applications anywhere in your data center or the cloud.
Ramp up fast, change easily
Moving your faxes to the cloud enables your company to ramp-up quickly and be agile in response to changes.
Shift from capital to operating expense
Unlike physical fax infrastructures that require capital expenses and ongoing maintenance, a cloud fax solution lets you shift the cost to an operating expense.